Cannondale Club

Cannondale Club

Are you training or just exercising?

Most of the athletes, when they finish the exercise, saying that just finished their training. But how many of them actually made a workout, and not just their daily exercise? Unfortunately, as we see everyday, most, even those involved in races, do not workout with the complete sense of the word.
There is a big difference between train and practice. The workout requires some key elements to be really workout, namely an activity that aims to bring the body into a state where it can perform better.

Since this time they all start their preparations for the new targets, let's see what key elements must follow in order to truly achieve their goals:

Below we will talk in brief for 12 points that will be analyzed later.

1.- Blood Tests

Before you start preparing for anything, do a comprehensive blood test. It has great importance in the design of the training situation you are in the beginning, also it is essential to be able to compare the current situation with the situation where you will be after two to three months. Consult an expert to explain the test results and what to look for.

2.- Measuring minimum and maximum heart rate

Measure the minimum and maximum pulse by using an oscillograph. Only then you can determine the intensity zones in which you will practice. The equation says that the maximum pulse rate is 220 - age is often misplaced, and there is a great chance to drive you to train too intensely or too loose. There is a specific way for cycling and running to achieve the maximum heart rate. Minimal vibrations must be measured in the morning immediately after waking up wearing oscillograph, and in a period where you are not training, or you are totally refreshed.
Also, the minimum pulse is a sign of improving aerobic capacity. The more you fall, so you are improving your aerobic capacity.

3.- Coaches plan

Many times I hear some excited to spin the bike ride or a run, saying "today was a very good workout, I found someone and we went too hard," and immediately understand that this athlete don΄t know what a workout is. Unfortunately the correct workout is predictable, and therefore more boring than a workout like "go out and see what emerges." A workout alone is not coaching. Each workout should be performed as part of a long term plan, with a goal of one or two key matches a year, and some minor struggles. The training plan should consist of cycles (periods), where there is a specific goal (improving technical / assembly, improving aerobic / anaerobic threshold, improve tolerance to lactic acid). There are some coaching inviolable principles which need to obey your training plan, and there are some principles that specialize in your sport. If you do not know these principles, then you must be sure you can΄t prepare your training.

4.- Find an experienced coach

If the words lactic acid, anaerobic threshold, muscle assembly is not fully known, then do not try to plan your  training plan alone. Look for an experienced and thoughtful coach. Avoid trainers who make training programs so because they learned from their coaches or so because they have heard from others. The coach must know the science of, or otherwise will result in injury or poor performance. Be honest with your coach, especially when you feel fatigue. Many bikers fear that the coach would tell them to rest and will "lose kilometers', do not manifest their weariness, and later inevitably hurt or seeing a dramatic decrease in performance.
   The existence coach also has another very strong advantage.
The coach is very objective arbiter, and not influenced by emotional of his athlete (who is anxious not to miss a single workout). Thus, it makes more realistic planning, and an incentive for the athlete to carry out the program of a man who guides him. It is no coincidence that even great athletes with scientific knowledge, choose to have a coach.

5.- Oscillograph

If you are doing a workout without oscillograph is like doing a trip to the sea with boat without GPS. It is sure that you will find yourself far away from your destination. It is unthinkable for most serious athlete who trains not to use oscillograph in every workout, even loose aerobic. The workouts always determined by the duration and intensity (measured in heart rate). Without oscillograph, simply do not know at what intensity we practice, so we do not know what kind of workout to do.

6.- Intensity Training

Training like "today I loose', or 'Today I have a little loud " etc is not coaching. Each workout should be clear regarding the intensity at which you have to work at. As training intensity is called the rate of heart rate we have in relation to the extent of our pulse. The intensity measurement made ​​by the oscillograph by measuring our cardiac frequency.
Assume that we have a minimum heart rate (NSP) 50 g / l, maximum (JPA) 190 g / l, and have to work in 60% ( intensity) of our maximum heart rate, then find the target heart rate (HR) of
the formula:


That is for our example, CC = (190-50) * 60% + 50 =134

7.- Evaluation Test

Perhaps the most important element in a training plan is the assessment test. No one coach is infallible, and the only way to protect yourself from possible error in the design, is to check every month whether you are improving or not. Take once a month, a workout which will run under the same conditions (as possible) an assessment test, which aims to test this ability (aerobic, anaerobic threshold power). Agree with your coach about what the test will do. The best kind of test is the ergometer (in ergometer cycling or treadmill for running), which gives all aspects of your fitness, but it is expensive.

8.- Getting into coaching

Company is good at coaching as time passes more pleasantly, but more often fatal. We always train with athletes that are very close to our level. The loose of a good aerobic athlete can be intense for a moderate aerobic athlete. If the average athlete try to do the basic preparation of a good athlete, will have a bad ending. Creaming in your oscillograph. If you see that the intensity of the workout gets out the limits you have put, then you should probably keep your own. Many athletes, especially when they go for relaxed aerobic, ashamed to tell the athlete that accompanies that the volume is too high for them, and pretend to be relaxed while the oscillograph shows more.

9.- Do not go crazy with the lost workouts

A missed workout is not the end of the world. Not two or three. In a training plan, some workouts are defined as priority A, B, and some as few as C. If you miss a workout A priority (eg long duration during the initial phase of preparation or intense interval during the phase of styling), then you definitely need to reform the program of the week and put it in the place of another workout. If Miss B or C priority workout, it's better to forget, like not to missed. It does not affect your program. Conversely, if you try to squeeze in a few days, or prolong a subsequent workout (increasing mileage to fill the lost), it is very likely to go to an extra fatigue.
If you still see that you often miss workouts, it means that your training plan is not realistic and does not meet your obligations or on your strengths, and you have to redesign from scratch. It is best to follow 100% a moderate program, only 80% follow an ambitious program.

10.- Equipment

How many of you have properly tuned bike; You know how much more power you would have if your bike was properly configured; In the first two months of workouts, experiment with the size and position of the saddle. If you see that you can΄t get the correct position, you should experiment with the steering neck. Consult a specialist, although best advisor is your feet, which you always feed with information about whether they feel uncomfortable, or if you do not turn the pedals have enough force.

11.- Often colds or viruses?

Something that also ignore by the "Rambo" of the sports, that most sportsmen are as frequent colds. Few know how to appreciate them and treat them. After a workout, our immune system is much more vulnerable than normal. Often colds therefore mean that either do not take appropriate measures after training or coaching that is so exhaustive that our immune system can΄t work properly. In a first step, be sure to receive large amounts of vitamin C, especially in winter, almost 1000 mg daily. The vitamins SOLGAR are excellent for this purpose, since it is absorbed slowly and thus available to the body during the day. After the workout be sure to avoid exposure to cold, and do not approach (as you can) people who is sick. If you still get sick often, then the workout that you are doing is more than that withstand your body. Change quickly because you do not improve.

12.- Nutrition

If you do not feed according to the load receiving your body, is better stop the workout, your results with mathematical precision will be in physical decline. You will see your blood gets sick, you feel weaker than ever before, will disturb your sleep, psychology will get the slippery slope. You are more healthy if you don΄t train than if you train and malnourished. The capital of the diet is very large and analyzed in other articles, but it is advisable to  consult for this one specialist.


These are the 12 key points that must be followed by an athlete who aims. Without them, it is a matter of luck whether to improve or driven to overwork. Anyone who overestimates himself and does not take into account, will never be able to fulfill its potential, whatever those are.

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